Mekka Symposium 2k, Fallingbostel, Germany, 21-24.04.2000
Stay in shock if you like, but you know what is going on.
(c)2k Sblz

Fenek/Arise/Dragon at beer stop.

Da Blondie/Resource, Edhellon/Resource, Rayden/Breeze, ?.

Sceners takes beer and relax.

Fenek and Sebaloz/Lepsi De.

Domino crazy compo.

Domino audience.

Black Light/Dragon Software comes back to party place.

Norwegian, who speaks polish, pictured with Gabriel from Hungary.

The Local Zeroes concert.

Streaptease sponsored by Radwar Party organization.

Small break. Audience is really disappointed.

New music is on.

Girl uses a serie of moves to show as much as she can.

Sebaloz stays tuned.

The holy party spirit.

There is still some bison vodka in the bottle.

Black Light is going to consume a fish.

Fenek opens a bottle of Becks.

(c)2k Sblz

Fenek is close to piss.


The Dreams members: Zaphod, Ninja and Doc Baccardi.

Uploading vodka on the grass.

Hungarian sceners comes to the alko garden.

Brandy owner, Gabriel, Camera owner, Edhellon.

Let's drink.

Cigarette pause.

Fun with photos from latest parties.

Black 'ICE TEA' Light asks for a drink.

Some more people joined the club.

Best trick contest: Fanta/Oxyron/Plush and Fenek.

Grass from bison's vodka bottle.

Brand new day.


Fenek dances with Zaphod in the background.

Sebaloz goes to perform the heroics again.

Let's finish the bottle.

After small battle Fanta takes control on vodka.

Alkohol sends to the floor with full power.

Pip, pip, pip, connecting..

Sebaloz connects to the alko source once again.

Krill/Plush comes.

Disconneted 3 times in a row.

Audi goes high directly into the Remoff Around.

?/Anubis, Ninja, ?, Drake, Silverstar, Sebaloz, ?.

Drake and Silverstar.

Party ends.

Text by Sebaloz/Lepsi De.
Pictures were taken by Sebaloz and other party people.
Scanned and uploaded by Psychik.